Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Soothing the Savage Beast

Who wants to share all of their awful non victorious stories?  Certainly not I.  But I do  believe that even the bad stories can play a part in my victory.  I might have lost a battle but I haven't lost the war.  Amen!

I had a rough day Monday and hubby took me out for ice cream. (Bad decision!)    My day was rough and in conversation I was  'lightening my load' upon my hubby as we were driving to the ice cream shop.   We got our purchases and as we were driving home, ice cream in hand, *lick lick lick* I had a very sickening realization.   I realized HOW MUCH that ice cream made me calm,helped me to relax and destress.  (I'll BET my blood pressure was markedly lower!)

I hate looking in the mirror like this, but I do believe it's one of the stepping stones to having a healthy relationship with food.  I covet your prayers.  With all good intentions I prepare myself to take things to the Lord, but in habit,  I make a beeline to food without so much as uttering a prayer or thinking about Him.

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