Monday, January 10, 2011


God has been working in my heart and there has been a wonderful revolution in my life. I've seen the Lord through new eyes... how He Loves me and how I've put God in a box and limited Him. It's a wonderful thing when the Lord jumps out of that box (at least in my mind if that makes sense)and exceeds my expectations doing exceedingly and abundantly more then I could ever ask for or believe.

And all those failed 'attempts'? Those are simply stepping stones on this path of life. They have been both useful and neccesary in this journey and I am thankful for each and every valley and mountain top! They have molded me and are shaping me into who God would have me to be. My Blog isn't called Goodbye Shame for nothing! Neither am I ashamed of the work that God is doing in my life!

Your prayers are coveted as I embark upon this journey.

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