Sunday, June 19, 2011

Let it Go...

I've been thinking the past few days about pain and how it's okay to allow myself to feel it and experience it.  Pain, emotional or physical, isn't a bad thing,  It's the body's way of telling me that something is wrong and that attention is needed.  Emotional pain tells me that intimacy is not where it could be at and that help is also needed.

So, I'll allow myself to feel the...
Feelings of Abandonment
Lack of Value
Not feeling important
Being Forsaken

When those feelings come I won't try and anesthetize myself and think that it is WRONG to feel a certain way and that I need to somehow hide them in the recesses of my soul. But it doesn't end there because God wants me to bring them to the light and God has provided a way to heal my heart.  Matthew 11:28 says  "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."  Oh how I need rest from the chaos and confusion  and need to take these things to the only One who can heal my soul! The Lord will take the burden on Himself and carry those things for me if I will only give the load to Him.

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